jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

Instagram, New Video The Main Differences Between Natural Body And Plastic Surgery Beauty

The topic that we have selected for this article is a very sensitive topic that causes a lot of reaction for many people, for males and especially females. 

There are a lot of females who do plastic surgeries and usually these females are grownup but lately we have read that even the famous Kylie Jenner, who is barely 18 years old, has done the plastic surgery for her lips.

This means that young girls are doing plastic surgeries and this is not good.
It is not good to have a plastic surgery for a lot of reasons including here the financial conditions as well as the ethical and the morally importance of it.

Does it really make sense to improve your appearance when you are just a teenager?
How can it make sense if a teenager girl makes plastic surgery when she is at the culmination of her beauty? No, it doesn’t mean that she is ugly and even if she is ugly she shouldn’t make the plastic surgery because something artificial in never equal to the natural beauty.

If you are a guy, would you like a women or girl that has done a lot of plastic surgeries or a not so beautiful girl but whom is natural? We really hope that you would have liked a natural girl even if many people would call her ugly.

It has many things to do with the character and the preferences of people. Plastic surgery also has to do many thing with the way that a person is raised and how he or she is educated by their parents. Parent play a very important role in decision making of girls and women for plastic surgery.

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